Friday, March 21, 2008

This That & The Other

I’ve added a couple of more good brothers to the blogroll. If you haven’t already take some time to check out Wyeth W. Duncan who rights at A Debtor To Mercy and Scotty J. Williams our resident Black Creole Reformer.

A couple of brothers have begun to weigh in on Senator Obama’s speech and the issues of ethnicity surrounding his candidacy. At Magnify God, Ronjour Locke writes on the theme Won By His Blood, One By His Blood and Q-D.O.G. writes on coming out of the clouds and into the fray at Truth In the Innermost.

Also, you can find an interview on the attraction of black liberation theology by our own fellow elder Thabiti Anyabwile at the Christianity Today website and check out his reflections on the speech at pure church.

Speaking of the elder, Tony Carter at Non Nobis Domine wonders if he is indeed a prophet.

Lastly, since we’re on the subject of ethnicity, unity and blogs I want to point out an observation I’ve made. The blogs I just added along with the ones listed above are all the projects of black reformed brothers. These along with A Man from Issachar (Eric Redmond), Pure Church (Thabiti Anyabwile) and Black and Reformed Ministries (Lionel Woods and Tyris Horton Sr.) regularly feature important, insightful content from brothers who are solidly reformed, Christ-centered and if I must say humble. Along with that as far as I can tell all of them are either fairly or somewhat politically conservative. I know a few of these brothers and have had contact with most and believe fully that all of them would repudiate Rev. Wright’s words and theology. Moreover, I’ve really appreciated those who’ve written on Senator Obama’s candidacy. They’ve been thoughtful, measured and open about the possibilities and pitfalls of his historic run.

And I have to admit that apart from Pure Church it’s unlikely that any of our white reformed brothers will direct you to these men for their thoughts on Senator Obama, ethnic issues in general or points dealing with reformed theology. I wonder why is that? And is it symptomatic of the evangelical church’s challenge regarding the issue of ethnicity? At this point in time can we honestly say that we’ve achieved any significant degree of ethnic unity? If so what evidence of such unity can we present to the world at large that would give us the credibility to speak to them about ethnicity? Finally, if the greater evangelical church decides to dismiss Barack Obama as a disingenuous political panderer how do they intend to address the issues he’s raised? Perhaps more importantly however is do they even care too?

The Lord’s Peace
Pastor lance


Anonymous said...

Pastor Lance,

In all honesty, why bother attempting to bridge the divide? I reflect on my recent readings of Frederick Douglass' autobiography, and the divide, though Providential and under the Sovereign GOD, was instituted by our white counterparts. I have no beef with whites as a whole (at least not anymore), but my question is, if they should choose to remain distant to the equality we as believers are called to, if they should choose to keep the invisible, unspeakable wall of hostility at full mass between themselves and blacks, if our white brothers and sisters IN CHRIST, should hold the darker faces at arms length (regarding their hands upon our shoulders as "brotherly affection"), why should we not stand in contentment with the situation as is, receiving from the sheperds the LORD has installed in our communities (dabbling in MacArthur, Sproul, etc. every now and then), and leaving our white brethren to monitor (and sub-consciously admire) our worship, our preaching, our strivings in Faithfulness to GOD amidst hardship and affliction from afar? Why should WE bridge the gap?

Anonymous said...

Hello Anonymous you said:

"Why should WE bridge the gap?"

Because Christ briged the gap for us maybe? Because do we were dead in our trespasses and sins, God made us alive in Christ. We didn't keep God at arms length we built a a fortress around ourselves to keep God out and in His Grace and Mercy He tore it down through Christ and bridged the divide for us to have reconcilation in Him. God could have easily folded His arms and said "I will let them stay in their sin and pour out my wrath upon them" But He didn't. Oh the beauty of the Gospel.

Secondly I must add that we are to seek peace with all men as much which lies within us. We are family and regardless of the length or width of the divide we are to attempt to bridge that divide bro/sis (I don't know your sex). We are to run to mercy and seek reconciliation.

Finally when we say ours I hope you mean God's everything we do is for Him not for us. Our worship, preaching, our strivings are for the glory of Him who purchased us with His blood and ours should be universally applied to all who name the name of Christ.

P.S I think we bring something unique and special to the Body of Christ, it is a shame that this isn't the case, but I would say to lie down and allow segregation to plague the body would be a slap in the face of Him who purchased us. Lets strive if not for them then do it for Him. His prayer in John 17 is the reason why.

Wyeth Duncan said...

Pastor Lance,

Thanks for the mention. And thank you for writing about Obama, Wright and race. I think your articles have been "spot on", as they say. You express in words the frustration I feel as I read the unnecessarily and harshly critical things that our white brothers in Christ have written. Thank you, most of all, for pointing us to the only One in whom our confidence should rest.

And, Brother Lionel, thank you for your answer to Anonymous. That was very encouraging to read.

Wyeth Duncan

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your kind words. I have so much respect for all the men you mentioned. I feel like I belong at the kid's table compared to them. May God keep throwing more fiery embers into the fire for the sake of his name!